Desert Animals | Math Pattern Block Templates printables
This is a game that will challenge your students’ cognition and entertain their curious minds. All you have to do is watch as they explore fun ways to assemble these math block pattern puzzles shape by shape. This set of puzzle math patterns features 12 realistic high-quality resolution images of desert animals.
Each image is labeled and converted into 3 puzzle forms:
- Colors (easy)- match the puzzle by the color and shape of each pattern block
- Outlined version (intermediate)- match the Black & white version puzzle by shape only.
- Blank version (hard)- no outline or colors to help guide students.
Each puzzle form is a pattern block challenge. They all come with an original animal picture and 3 additional keys for your students to count and/or write down the number of shapes they see.
This download includes these animals:
- Jackrabbit
- Camel
- Peccary
- Chameleon
- Coyote
- Desert mouse
- Elephant
- Roadrunner
- Oryx
- Ostrich
- Scorpion
- Turtle
This creative puzzle theme is best used to help your students:
- develop their confidence and self-esteem
- experience a sense of achievement in completing a puzzle
- develop fine motor skills
- develop hand-eye coordination
- develop cognitive abilities
- practice problem-solving skills
- learn and practice their social interaction skills
- develop Spatial awareness
- practice recognizing and understanding shapes
- practice recognizing and understanding desert animals
- practice counting
- Practice identifying and writing numbers
Best Used for:
- Small group play
- Individual play
- Math Centers
These math resources were created primarily for Preschool math, Pre-K, Kindergarten STEM, and Homeschool math. Just simply print and watch your students enjoy as they use this game to gain a deeper understanding of solid shapes and desert animals. (For more durability, feel free to print with thicker card stock paper or laminate).
And the best part for your students is that..... it doesn't feel like learning!!!
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